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"When all else fails, have faith"

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I don't know why but I've never liked drinking liquor much. I've always hated the feeling that I'll get when I swallow it down my throat and the burning sensation in my stomach. But well, I guess that I've gotten used to the taste that I actually liked drinking now. It's a bad sign though (oh no). Last night was the worst night ever that I've got so wasted. Never in my life have I puked so much, unable to walk straight and acted so crazy.

I actually drank the liquor down like it was coke(although half of it was). Initially, I drank it sip by sip and somehow we ended up drinking shots by shots. In the past, I can't even finish one whole cup in one shot and I actually did so much last night. Oh yeah, I even drank beer, which I hate the most... Have always hated beer since young because of my Dad, he drinks them every night that I got extremely sick of the smell.

Now I can't help but to keep thinking back of my actions last night and how I talked to some of them. Girls should always behave and not puke around man... But it was fun doing all those. I love seeing people getting drunk and doing all those crazy stunts, makes my day. Maybe I shall try getting totally knocked out without remembering any details at all. That makes it interesting when I hear stories of what I was doing then. Hmm.